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Category: bankruptcy

Navigating Financial Challenges with a Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney in Memphis

Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney in Memphis

Experiencing financial hardship can be an overwhelming process. At Hurst Law Firm, P.A., we recognize your struggle and are here to help. As a reputable consumer bankruptcy attorney in Memphis, Tennessee, we offer guidance and legal advice to help you navigate this difficult path. Our attorneys are highly experienced in consumer bankruptcy cases. They possess comprehensive knowledge of the…

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Navigating Financial Distress with a Memphis Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney

Memphis Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney

Are you facing mounting debts and the possibility of bankruptcy? If so, you’re not alone. Many individuals in Memphis, Tennessee, are dealing with financial hardship. It can be challenging to navigate the complex process of bankruptcy, but you don’t have to face it alone. Hiring a Memphis consumer bankruptcy attorney can make all the difference in helping you regain…

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Overview of the Means Test Requirement

means test requirement

Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers debtors the ability to get a fresh start free of many of the debts that were suffocating them financially. However, not everyone can avail themselves of this option. They must meet a means test in order to qualify. The means test is an income limit. Debtors who have an income below the line can file…

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Bankruptcy and Holiday Debt

holiday debt

If you are in financial distress and considering bankruptcy, what you do in the near term can impact your chances of success. Specifically, a court should not think that you are taking advantage of the bankruptcy process. Accordingly, you should try to control your spending over the holidays when a bankruptcy filing is a possibility. When you are filing…

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Pros and Cons of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

chapter 7 bankruptcy

Many individuals prefer the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process because it gives them a true fresh start. However, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will come at a cost. An attorney can help advise you whether Chapter 7 is the right option for you. First, not everyone can qualify for Chapter 7. The process is intended to allow households of lower incomes…

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Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Help You Keep Your House?

chapter 7

In some ways, the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process can help you keep your home. You may have fallen behind on your mortgage or have reduced ability to pay it monthly because you are struggling under the weight of your debts. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help you start with a clean slate. Having many of your debts wiped out could…

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What is Bankruptcy Fraud?

bankruptcy fraud

The Bankruptcy Court relies on the information that you provide them during bankruptcy. Your filings are supposed to provide a true and accurate picture of your finances at the time you file for bankruptcy. You must fully and accurately disclose your assets on your bankruptcy filing. Bankruptcy fraud is when you knowingly file incorrect information with the court. This…

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Avoid Errors on Bankruptcy Filings

bankruptcy filings

The bankruptcy process requires a lot of paperwork. Any mistake could both jeopardize your ability to successfully make it through the bankruptcy process and impose delays. You have a legal obligation to list all of your assets and your creditors on the bankruptcy filing. If you make a mistake on your bankruptcy filings, you would need to file an…

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