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Are You Still Struggling With Pandemic Debt?

Memphis TN Bankruptcy Attorney

The pandemic took many people for a serious financial loop. Between people losing jobs and not being able to work because of their health, many are still stuck with a large overhang of debt. The good news is that bankruptcy laws may be able to help you get a fresh start. The bankruptcy that many people are familiar with…

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What Debts Can You Discharge in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Memphis Tennessee Bankruptcy Attorney

Many people think that bankruptcy is a magical solution to all their debt issues. However, while bankruptcy can help significantly improve your financial situation, it is not a magic wand that can immediately wipe out every single debt you have. This does not mean that bankruptcy is not beneficial – it certainly is for many people. You should always…

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Holiday Debt and Bankruptcy

Holiday debt

If you are already having trouble paying your bills, you might be planning to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in the near future. With the holidays right around the corner, you might think it is a good solution to max out your credit cards on holiday spending since you are going to include those balances in your bankruptcy filing….

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What to Expect When You Meet with a Bankruptcy Attorney

Memphis Bankruptcy Lawyer

When you have your initial consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer, you will leave with a sense of where you stand and whether bankruptcy is an option for you. Before you reach that point, your lawyer will likely ask many questions about your financial situation to advise about what is right for you. You should come prepared with as much…

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Does Bankruptcy Require You to Repay Your Debts?

Memphis Bankruptcy Law Firm

Bankruptcy allows you a fresh financial start in life. Depending on the type of bankruptcy that you file, that could be that many of your debts are wiped out completely. Regardless of the form of bankruptcy, you will get breathing room that will put you on a better financial course. There are two different types of bankruptcy: Chapter 7…

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Loans from Family and Friends in Bankruptcy


When people experience financial hardship, their close family members and friends might offer to try to help. However, if you borrowed money from those closest to you, and you still could not get ahead, you might need to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The bankruptcy petition requires that you list all of your debts – and this does mean…

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Are Medical Bills a Good Reason for Bankruptcy?

bankruptcy attorney

Unexpected medical expenses can create significant financial strain. Even if your insurance covered some of your bills, you may be facing substantial hospital or doctor’s bills and have no idea how to pay them back. Thankfully, bankruptcy may be able to help you eliminate your medical debt and provide you with a fresh financial start. Bankruptcy is not right…

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Do You Have Overwhelming Credit Card Debt?


There are many people who struggle with credit card debt throughout their lives. Credit cards can seem like a godsend when you need to cover expenses or want to make a purchase, and you do not have the cash. However, credit card balances add up quickly, and they can take a long time to pay off. The COVID-19 pandemic…

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Can You Get Rid of All Your Debts in Bankruptcy?

If you are struggling to keep up with your bills, you may be wondering whether bankruptcy can help. While every situation is different, bankruptcy can often eliminate debts and provide a fresh financial start. In fact, many people find that their lives improve immediately after filing bankruptcy and wish they had filed sooner. How Does Bankruptcy Work? Chapter 7…

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How the Pandemic Can Lead to Bankruptcy

bankruptcy attorney

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the focus for many people has been on avoiding the virus and staying healthy. However, many households have added concerns due to financial hardship. There are many ways the pandemic can create financial difficulties for families, and you should discuss your options for legal relief with a bankruptcy lawyer in Memphis. Loss of Income The…

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