While there is no legal requirement to hire a lawyer for a bankruptcy case, it is certainly in your best interests. The bankruptcy process comes at a difficult time in your life. There are a number of mistakes that you could make on your own that could complicate things for you.
Many decisions are made before you even file your case. For example, you may decide:
- Whether to file for bankruptcy at all
- Which type of bankruptcy to file (Chapter 7 or 13)
Each type of bankruptcy has its own rules. There are strict limits on eligibility for Chapter 7 bankruptcy (the type most prefer), and an attorney could advise you whether you qualify.
There are other points of information that you may need to know ahead of time, including:
- What debts can be erased in bankruptcy
- Which assets you can keep from your creditors
Then, your paperwork must be completed correctly. If you make a misstatement in your bankruptcy filing, you could end up in legal trouble. Any mistakes in your paperwork could delay your process and put the fresh start that you need in jeopardy.
If you are filing the case on your own, you are expected to make yourself familiar with the rules of bankruptcy court. You may be held responsible for any mistakes, and judges are not inclined to give a break to someone just because they are representing themselves. After all, they have no latitude to relax the requirements of bankruptcy law for anyone.
Contact a Memphis Tn Bankruptcy Attorney
When you are considering a bankruptcy filing, Hurst Law Firm PA is ready to help you. Call us today at 901.725.1000 or contact us online to discuss your case and learn how bankruptcy law can help you.